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What you can expect when you order your PNPPL zine Issue 9

This magazine features in total 13artists/photographers's works.
On 150 pages the magazine features a bouquet of unpublished photo editorials, and an interview with Ettore Moni and Deej Amago. Never seen stories by Lulu La Falaise, Santiago Neyra, Butu Bilikhodze, Derec Ethan, Jon Ariza De Miguel, Boyz & Flowers, Ettore Moni, Wojciech Jachyra, Vratko Barcik, Erick Monterrosa and Yan Yufeng.
Two artists are featured in the magazine, Deej Amago and Andre Serfontein.

- 150 pages for your enjoyment
- Size: A5 - 15 x 21 cm (5.8 x 8.3 inches)
- Fresh and juicy
- Limited in 200 copies
- Estimated shipping time 10-30 days. As soon as your item shipped, you will receive a tracking number in email, so you can follow up your item.

Following Pineapple’s usual theme, PNPPL zine 9 focuses on explicit works, but will arrive in discreet packaging.

Full preview here:

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